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A Guide to Non-Binary Individuals and Pronouns


A majority of individuals – which includes most transgender individuals – are either male or female. However, some don’t suitably or tidily fit into the classification of male or female, or a man or woman. For instance, amongst us, are people that belong to a gender that mixes features of a man or a woman, or a sex that is different from both. Specific individuals do not identify with either of the genders, whereas others’ gender changes over time. Such people use lots of different terms to define or identify themselves, and one such term is Non-binary. Examples of other terms are genderqueer, agender, and bigender, among others. While none of these expressions mean precisely the same thing, all tell of a gender’s experience that is simply neither male nor female. See more on Cade Hildreth


Some societies, including ours, incline towards recognizing only two genders – male and female. The notion or idea that only two genders exist, sometimes referred to as a “gender binary,” as binary implies “having two parts” – male and female. As such, “non-binary” is an experience or term people use to define genders that cannot be categories into one of these two classifications, male or female. There is nothing new about non-binary people. Many tend to assume that people identifying themselves as non-binary are confused concerning their gender identity or excited about a craze, movement, or fashion. However, they have been acknowledged for eras by cultures as well as societies all over the world.

Some of the non-binary people go through medical procedures to adjust their bodies to a more matching appearance with their gender identity. Although not all non-binary individuals require medical procedures to live a fulfilling life, it is essential as well as life-saving for many. It is also elemental to know that the majority of transgender people aren’t non-binary. Although some transgender individuals may be non-binary, most of them have a gender that is either male or female, and ought to be treated like any other man or woman. Visit


There has been confusion between being non-binary and intersex. However, intersex individuals have anatomy or genes that do not suit typical designations of male and female. A majority of intersex people categorize themselves as either male or female. On the other hand, non-binary people are normally not intersex. They are typically born with bodies that may suit typical classifications of male or female; however, their inborn gender identity us something different from either male or female. Learn more on

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